Campus Health, Safety & Security
Crime Log
Emergency Information
Campus Health, Safety & Security
Our Mission
The Department of Public Safety and Security supports the mission of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College by working to ensure a safe and secure campus environment for working and learning.
About the Department of Campus Health, Safety & Security
The Department of Campus Health, Safety and Security is responsible for providing security and all other aspects of emergency management including preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. We use an “all hazards” approach to plan train, mitigate and respond to any situation that involves public safety. Our department operates in accordance with the federally mandated National Incident Management System (NIMS) and strictly follows the requirements of the federal Clery Act.
Security Officers
Our Security Officers are armed, sworn law enforcement officers from local law enforcement agencies, and are highly trained and prepared. Security officers are on campus to serve and protect students, employees and the public. We urge you to report any suspicious persons or anything out of the ordinary at our campuses. Upon request, a security officer will escort you to your vehicle in our parking lot.
Need Help?
For life threatening emergencies, please call 9-1-1 immediately.
For non-life threatening emergencies, call 704-216-7600, which is the campus emergency phone number. The operator will dispatch an officer to your location or have one call you.
Emergency phones are located in each of our building that allow dialing 9-1-1 or the campus emergency phone number (704-216-7600). Emergency phone poles are located in many of our parking lots and at other locations on our campuses.
Report Concerning Behavior of Student or Employee
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning and work environment for all. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to provide information describing any type of concerning or worrisome behavior. Worrisome behavior may include any instance in which someone feels unsafe or threatened, or may feel a level of concern for someone else, while at any campus location or college activity.
If You See Something, Say Something…
Rowan-Cabarrus wants to empower our students, faculty, and staff to protect their neighbors and the communities they call home by recognizing and reporting suspicious activity. Learn more about the ‘see something, say something’ initiative.
Public Safety Training
In order to maintain the highest level of emergency preparedness for our employees and students, we offer classes and exercises on various topics including CPR and the use of an AED, active threat/intruder, tornado and severe weather, incident command training, fire safety, general office safety and self-defense. Please email me to schedule a class, seminar or exercise.
Jeff Insley, Director of Campus Health, Safety & Security